Bhatia started her acting career with a Hindi film, Chand Sa Roshan Chehra that released in early 2005, which remains her only Bollywood release till date. The same year, she debuted in the Telugu cinema as she appeared in the film Sri in which she played the leading female role opposite Manoj Kumar. In 2006, she made her debut in the Tamil film industry, starring in the film Kedi alongside Ravi Krishna and another newcomer Ileana D'Cruz. She essayed a negative role in the film, which did not do well at the box office.
In 2007, she had three releases. After her appearance in the unsuccessful Vyapari, she starred in the Sekhar Kammula-directed Telugu film Happy Days, which received highly positive reviews and became her first major box office success. Her next release was the Tamil drama film Kalloori, directed by Balaji Sakthivel that won her accolades and critical acclaim in Tamil as well.
In 2008, she again had three releases, but appeared in cameo roles in two of them. Her 2009 Blockbuster Tamil film Ayan, made her a leading actress. Her recent film Kandein Kadhalai, which is a remake of the 2007 Hindi blockbuster Jab We Met, has been declared a decent success. She enacted the role, originally played by Kareena Kapoor, and was praised by critics for her performance. Her recent 2010 release is Lingusamy's Paiyaa which is already declared a huge hit. She is currently acting in two Tamil films that are Thillalangadi alongside Jayam Ravi and Sura with Vijay